Bell Buckle Radio

Tune in!

Bell Buckle Radio is an on-line internet radio station originating from Bell Buckle, Tennessee. The station broadcasts 24/7 through Live365, the radio webcasting and listening network.  

Bell Buckle Radio offers a large range of music in bluegrass, classic country, folk, gospel 
and Americana and even classic rock. Broadcast Times are Eastern. Some ome programs are reruns of earlier shows.  

COVID-19 Pandemic  
We wish all our listeners, program hosts and their families be safe and well in this current pandemic.  

Bell Buckle Radio can be downloaded by application through the LIVE365 application located in the iTunes App. Also: If you have an Alexa Echo, you can enable us via Live365. Just tell Alexa: 'Alexa, Enable Live365 Skill', then say "Alexa, play Live 365!". When prompted to pick a station say "Play Bell Buckle Radio". To stop say "Alexa, stop".  

Our contributing hosts include Bob Mitchell, Cindy Baucom, Valerie Smith, Jay Armsworthy, Bill Foster, Steve Martin, Lisa Kay Howard-Hughes, Michael Johnathon, Jerry 'Old Hippie' Eicher, Jeff Miller, Jeff DeFord, J. Gregory & Tori Taff, Nu-Blu, and from the UK Dave Watkins, and from Scotland Brian Callaghan.  
Please check out the Program Schedule.  

Please tune-in to listen to Bell Buckle Radio and make sure to go to our "Contact" page and join our mailing list.  

Thanks for Listening, Val! 

Bill Foster

Bill Foster

Program Director

Bill Foster is the station's Program Director and assists Valerie with organizing and scheduling the various programs. Bill is a veteran broadcaster with over 35 years of experience in both live and internet radio. Read More about Bill...

Bill also hosts "Fosters Corner" Monday thru Saturday at 8:00PM, and a Gospel program each Sunday at 10:00AM. 

The Web Site is Maintained by Bill Foster Email him.